Workbook 2 - Converting the Dream into Reality (e-book)
Workbook 2 - Converting the Dream into Reality (e-book)
Ready to make your dream career a reality? This workbook has been designed to help you make it happen.
Once you’re clear on the career direction you want to head in, you need to determine the best way of achieving it. This workbook is filled with practical exercises, advice and templates that will guide you through that process.
Each of the exercises in this workbook are downloadable so you can either work on them on your laptop or in hard copy. There are also links to other resources such as videos to watch and articles to read.
Contents include:
Exploring potential opportunities
Developing and utilsing your connections and contacts
Approaching the job market
Developing your stories
Creating the tools for the journey (CV, social media, emails, etc)
Tracking and evaluating opportunities
Deciding which option is best for you
This workbook is immediately available upon purchase as a downloadable .pdf.